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What Do Excellent Pathfinder Clubs Do?

Writer's picture: Jody MarshJody Marsh

The following is an excerpt from our LeaderShop document (2023 full document available here, 2024 full document available at our upcoming LeaderShop event, Oct 18-20). It is a list of what excellent Pathfinder Clubs will do over the next season. Of course, where things apply, these are also things that Adventurer or Master Guide club leaders could be doing to strive toward excellence. We are praying for all of our club leaders as they consider these things in the coming months and over the course of the 2024-2025 Club Ministry season.

  1. Excellent clubs register their club with the Wisconsin Conference and all staff complete required child safety training and background check. This will ensure that our Conference team has all the information they need to support you through the upcoming year. This year, the deadline for this information is October 18 (one month from now). We are requiring clubs to register by this date, otherwise they cannot participate in conference events. To be clear: clubs are still able to operate at a local church level, even if not registered with the conference. But conference events (and those beyond: Union events, Division events, etc) require that you register your club with the conference.

  2. Excellent Pathfinder clubs meet regularly for at least ten months of the year. The best clubs meet once a week for 1.5 - 2 hours. You can get away with two longer meetings per month or one really long meeting per month, but learning something new when you only demonstrate it once or twice a month is really hard. We understand it might not be possible in all situations, and once or twice a month is better than zero times a month, but strive for once a week.

  3. Excellent Pathfinder do the following things at their meetings: Opening exercises (prayer, worship, recite pledge and law), teach investiture requirements, teach honors, do service projects or share your faith activities, and prepare for special events. To be clear: service projects do not include being involved in the church service (there has been some confusion over that). It means doing something to bless people in the greater community, outside of the church service.

  4. Excellent Pathfinders clubs have regular planning meetings among their leadership and report their activities to the Conference once a month. You can find links for these monthly reports at Planning meetings don't always have to take place on a different day than club meetings. They could take place before or after the main club meeting, or even over a meal: as long as the conversation is about planning upcoming events for Pathfinders.

  5. Excellent Pathfinder clubs send their leaders to the Conference LeaderShop. Please, leaders, come to this event. You need to be there and we need you to be there. Important information for the upcoming year is discussed at LeaderShop.

  6. Excellent Pathfinder clubs attend yearly camporees at Camp Wakonda (whenever there is not a Union or NAD camporee), Lake Union (every 5 years), or NAD (every 5 years). They usually take place in August or September. Camping Skills Honor Investiture requirements will be taught by the Area Coordinators at Camp Wakonda some years, and other investiture requirements will be taught in even years. This will help directors get their Pathfinders invested. There will be a campsite inspection at all camporees. Make sure you familiarize yourselves with those expectations (on page 17-18 of the LeaderShop document)

  7. Excellent Pathfinder clubs attend the Winter Retreat at Camp Wakonda. This is a more exclusive event, so truth be told, everyone cannot attend (at least in the cabins and lodges). However, if you are unable to get into a lodge or cabin, and are willing to camp outside and earn your Winter Camping Honor, we can make room for you. Winter Retreat also includes the Pinewood Derby in odd years and the Pop Pop Boats in even years, so these would be things to get ready for in preparation for the event.

  8. Excellent Pathfinder clubs have a Pathfinder Sabbath (Pathfinder Day) at their local church. This is an excellent way, not only to get your young people invovled in church, but also to advertize how great of a ministry your club is to your church and community. One per year is all that is required, however if your church will let you do it more often, do as many services as you can.

  9. Excellent Pathfinder clubs have an Investiture ceremony in the spring. This is another opportunity to integrate Pathfinders in the local church service.

  10. Excellent Pathfinder clubs have an Induction ceremony in the fall. Yet another opportunity to integrate Pathfinders in the local church service.

  11. Excellent Pathfinder clubs will prepare early for PBE (Pathfinder Bible Experience), and will participate in at least the Area event. If you study well, we hope to see you at Conference PBE, Union PBE and beyond. For helpful resources, please visit

  12. Excellent Pathfinder clubs participate in the Camp Meeting Parade (either at English or Hispanic Camp Meeting). This is a great chance to show our Pathfinders off to our Conference at large, and on the other hand, those in the congregation that day are always blessed to see our young people who are being trained up "in kindness, truth, and purity, [with] a message to tell to the world."

  13. Excellent Pathfinder clubs sign up to open the Pathfinder Cabin during Camp Meeting (either at English or Hispanic Camp Meeting). We want to make this a space where people can come in and see all of the exciting things that our clubs are doing, and have done since the early 1900s, when this ministry first came into inception.

  14. Excellent Pathfinder clubs produce a video showing their accomplishments for the year. This is not only an excellent and modern way to showcase what your club did all year, but it is also a great way to advertise to your church and community the group you have and it may even inspire someone to want to join (either as a leader or a Pathfinder).

Blessings as you consider these things in your Pathfinder season!

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