One of the most rewarding aspects of leading in Youth Evangelism is watching how our young people grow in Christ. This past Sabbath, I had the privilege of joining the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church for their Pathfinder and Adventurer Sabbath. It was awesome to see those who were once Adventurers and young Pathfinders now leading out in the clubs. Enjoy the pictures and backstories below, which will explain why this was such a high Sabbath for me.

Photo: Jacob Arceo and Diego Bustamante are now adult leaders in the Green Bay Pioneers Club. Jacob grew up as member of the church's Adventurers and Pathfinders Clubs. Diego grew up as a member of the church's Pathfinders Club.
Photos: (Left) Wade Klevgard, collecting offering for his first Pathfinder Sabbath in 2017. (Right) Wade Klevgard, as a TLT (Teen in Leadership Training), making the offering call for Pathfinder and Adventurer Sabbath 2023. Wade also was one of our CITs (Counselors in Training) this past Summer Camp.
Photos: This past Sabbath, the Pathfinder Club's TLT girls gave the spiritual message this year, each taking a few minutes to focus on a different aspect of God's character (Joy, Peace, Hope, Grace, and Love). The first picture here is Gwen Castleberg, who has been in the church's Adventurers and Pathfinders Clubs since 2012.

Photo: Wade and Diego, as well as Sofia Bustamante (now a Pathfinder TLT) and others, back in 2017. In the back, you might also recognize one of our #WakondaWednesday writers and Summer Camp staff, William Ramos, who is now at Walla Walla University studying to be a pastor.
Photos: Adventurers led the Church's song service time, and even went into the congregation, along with Pathfinders, to teach church attendees the motions of one of the songs. They were all very excited to show the church how to do the songs they love. They also took turns in the service's scripture reading. "I love working with the Adventurers," says Amy Moreno, Pilgrim (Adventurers) Club Director. "They're all so willing to help. I needed someone to read scripture and they all wanted to do it." The Adventurers leadership also recognized parents for being so helpful in the club's success.

Photo: This was also a high Sabbath for other reasons. Here is Pastor Kevin Moreno (Pathfinders Club Co-director), calling the church to vote mother and daughter Julia (Adventurers Staff) and Elise (Pathfinder member) Jones into church membership. Julia and Elise were baptized together two weeks prior. As you can see from the many hands, the church warmly welcomed them as new members.

Photo: True to the main purpose of Pathfinder and Adventurer Sabbath, the Pioneers (Pathfinder) Club inducted seven individuals as new members and staff.
I hope, through these pictures and stories, you can see why Adventurers and Pathfinders are such important ministries, and how they have led our young people in Christian service and leadership here in Wisconsin. During my brief remarks during the church's announcements portion, I thanked the church for being so supportive of ministry to our young people. And truly, I am thankful to all of our churches who support Adventurers and Pathfinders. "This morning we saw a group of young people standing on this stage, leading the church in messages of Christ's Joy, Hope, and Love," I told congregants on Sabbath. "It is my prayer that they would continue preaching those messages for the rest of their lives."
Enjoy even more photos from this event below!